Hello, humans from ????, this website is your key to looking back at how your future was shaped. You are free to enter in more details about your time, for more people in the future future to look at. You can find topics you like in the index down below.
Go to the information page to see when this was made. If you can answer the forms that are on the side as it will help collect information about the world today/yesterday. If you need help on viewing or using the website page click below.
This is just put here in case the future/you does/do not know how to navigate in the old websites. You can skip this if you already know how to navigate through this website.
If you do not know how to navigate through a website and you have already gotten here, then that is impressive. To move up or down, you use your mouse (a thing that makes the pointer on the screen move) or finger to touch the screen and swipe up/down. This will move the webpage up and down so that you can see the remaining content. If there is no scroll bar (A long rectangle that goes up on the most-right side of the page) then you can just view it as there is going to be no content underneath.
To hover something is to move your pointer over it, and it will trigger something like opening a text box (which you just did). To hover on touchscreen (a screen where you use the pointer by touching on the screen) you click (touch) the hover sign and you will be able to read the opened text.
Buttons are something that you can click (touch on) to do an action, like going to a new page. You can see an example of a button if you scroll (explained earlier) all the way up to the top of the page. Buttons are usually round, but not always. They will always change color when pressed in this time capsule. The text on a button usually tells you what it is going to do, for example the button on top says 'home' meaning it will go back to the 'home' webpage. These are different to hovering, but for every button in the website, when you hover over it, it will change color too.
Input boxes are boxes where you can type or write something inside, and it is used for collecting information. A flashing vertical line will come up, and that means that you have successfully selected the box and you can type on it.
Here is the index you can find the topics on updates here:
(Click on the topics to go to the website with updates)
Red = VERY IMPORTANT (at time when written)