The website is for preserving the things we have today for the future, so the future generation can peek at our world today. It is an art project with digital art like colour and design. Through visuals like photos and videos, combined with writing, the world today will be preserved tomorrow like a backup of the progress we have made so far in our world.
These are the topics covered which are related to 2019-2020:
Schools Now (What we do)
Technology Now
Major Issues of the World
Other sites for Online Time Capsules: - A copy of the internet's visited websites from way back ago; an internet archive, 407 million saved webpages. - An online library full of books written before 2020 and after, digitally stored with varying subjects. - A collection of photographs, audio files and other visualisations of artifacts and the web itself. - A collection of audiobooks recorded by people today and written by people today.